Moose Lake Water & Light Commission holds a regular
public meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. If you have
comments or concerns that you would like share with the
commissioners, please call our office by the 3rd Monday of
the month to be put on the agenda.
For a copy of the meeting agenda and meeting minutes, please
contact our office as (218)-485-4100.
> President | Curt Yort - Term ending, Dec 2027
> Commissioner | Doug Juntunen - Term ending, Dec 2025
> Commissioner | Doug Skelton - Term ending, Dec 2026
Office Staff:
> Superintendent | Harlan Schmeling | hschmeling@mlwl.us
> Superintendent | Jim Pederson | jpederson@mlwl.us
> Office Manager | Dan Brown | dbrown@mlwl.us
> Administrative Clerk | Kate Coy | kcoy@mlwl.us
Lineman Staff:
> Line Foreman | Scott Nyberg
> Lineman | Chad Davidson
> Lineman | Tyler Envall
> Lineman | Robby Moffett